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Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Why I'll Never Use Coloured Pencils Again

Let me tell you a thing: I haven't used coloured pencils in a good few months, maybe even a year, to make art. I'm mostly a digital artist now with painting and tonal drawings for my A Level Art. Today I looked at my pitiful stash of coloured pencils that looked all sad and unused. So I thought - hey let's do something big to fix that.
I picked up an A2 piece of paper. A2. And started drawing.
I just finished it a few minutes ago and let me tell you oh my god my poor hand. Also I no longer own any black pencils because of reasons seen below. Note to self: never, ever draw anything that big ever again when using coloured pencils. It hurts your heart and soul as well as your hand.
The finished piece:

This is a bad photo as it's 11:30pm and the lighting in my bedroom is bad. But oh well. I'm tempted to go over the black background with paint to make it more smooth. After all that trouble. But that's a job for tomorrow after I get some sleep.
There is a recurring theme of ram-horned girls in my art in the past few months. Not too sure why, but here it is. I've done two more pieces with ram-horned girls (and flowers!) a few months earlier, not too sure of the dates. They differ slightly from the piece I've done today: mostly because they're smaller than A4 and didn't destroy my wrist when I tried to make them. Ow.

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